BIAFRA: BREXIT VERSUS BIAFREXIT: A Call To Save Biafrans from extinction

of America seven years to kill

BIAFRA: BREXIT VERSUS BIAFREXIT: A Call To Save Biafrans from extinction
By Ebere Okolie For Family Writers The British government and her citizens in 2016, voted to quit or exit from the European Union through a well organized referendum (Ballot Box) .The British citizen campaigned vigorously to leave-EU or to remain in-EU, the result of the vote was overwhelmingly in favour of Britain leaving EU. BREXIT was the acronym used as a tag for Britain's exit from the EU which also gave rise to the launching of "BIAFREXIT" by the Indigenous People Of Biafra- IPOB led by Nnamdi Kanu as a tag for Biafran's exit from Nigeria. The British citizens took a decision to opt out from EU on the premises that they need to take back their country, in that, the policies of the EU was not in their favour and that they need to be in control of their borders because they believe in the freedom of people to live in a free world. Similarly, the Biafran people should also be allowed to determine their future through a well organized and Internationally monitored or supervised referendum which will give rise to the re-birth of a sovereign state of Biafra to avert imminent calamity and to also save humanity in this part of the world. Then, the question is why can't the Nigerian government create such enabling environment for Biafrans to take back their land, decide their future and as well control their resources and destiny? Why are Biafrans being gunned down on a daily bases on the streets of Biafraland whenever they want their voices to be heard either by conducting rallies, demonstrations or peaceful protests? The Nigerian murderous and bloodthirsty government has constantly preferred killing Biafra activists than bringing them to a round-table for a potent dialogue which will lead to the mapping out of modus operandi on how referendum will be conducted. The British government led by Mrs. Theresa May has recently triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty for Britain's official exit from the European Union. While the British PM Theresa May invoked the Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, it is rather hypocritical for the same British government to feign ignorance of the rising demand for the freedom and total exit of Biafra from Nigeria. In 1914 the British government through Lugard amalgamated the Northern and Southern protectorate which is the present day Nigeria. In Africa, the British government has continued to expand their colonies through indirect rule and enslavement of the indigenous population while extorting and siphoning of their natural resources for the betterment of her collective existence. The British government has maintained that they are supporting the territorial integrity of Nigeria, hence, the self-determination of Biafra cannot be allowed, is this not a ploy for the British to continue to enslave Biafrans in Nigeria and as such be taking away the resources bestowed in Biafra land. It is essential to quickly remind the British of the ceding of Bakassi peninsula a part of Southern or coastal region of Biafra to Cameron. The British government should as a matter of fairness and justice to the Nigerian state, start working towards bringing back Bakassi peninsula to be part of Nigeria so as to be able to justify their believe and stance on the so-called territorial integrity of Nigeria. As far as amalgamation is concerned there will always be quest for self-determination which will lead to dismemberment of man-made of countries with invariably entrapped people who do not have same culture, religion, ethnicity, language and above all lives miles away from each other devoid of peaceful co-existence. Biafrans have been killed and murdered indiscriminately by the British sponsored Nigerian government through her terror Army, sending Biafran men, women and children to the great beyond simply because they seek freedom. The British citizens lives and voted in a relatively organized and conducive environment before, during and after Brexit; while the Biafrans continued to campaign for the release of the IPOB leader from detention and the freedom of Biafra, the Nigerian government has constantly flaunted court orders for his unconditional release and her military operatives persistently committed extra- judicial killing and forceful disappearance of Biafra activists. It is an established fact that the British government is an accomplice to these crimes. The time is right for the British government to eschew pride and support the legitimate freedom and total dismantling of the Nigerian state. Nnamdi Kanu who doubles as both the British and Nigerian citizen have remained in prison while the British government through her High Commission to Nigeria has been criss-crossing Aso Rock and Biafraland lobbying opinion molders and political bigwigs either to remain mute or support the oppressive “One Nigeria” The recent attack on Britons, the imminent invasion by the Islamic fundamentalist and the total collapse of Britain will spell doom and Britain as a matter of sanctity of human life should support Biafrexit by enforcing the Nigerian government to create enabling environment for referendum which will usher in the re-birth of the Nation of Biafra for the sake of humanity. The denial of the Biafrans to restoring their dignity and identity by the British /Nigeria is an affront to the decency and justice the Biafran people seeks. The use of iron fist to quench the insatiable quest for Biafra restoration by IPOB will hit a hard rock because IPOB is ever formidable, tenacious and committed to restoring Biafra.


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