Kola-Bo:From America with evergreen reggae

Kola-Bo:From America with evergreen reggae Nigerian/American born reggae cum dance-hall artist, Ighobaro Amamayaevbo better known as Kola-Bo is a rare breed. At a time when many African entertainers saw America as the land flowing with milk and honey, the melting pot of showbiz, Kola-Bo held on to his motherland. This is despite his strong affinity with the land that dubbed God’s Own Country. He was born and raised in America, yet Kola-Bo prefers to ply his musical trade in Africa. As a student of the University of Phoenix where he is studying Health Management and Information, the beefy young man merely shuttles between Nigeria and America to meet up with his academic and other challenges there where his parents and siblings currently reside. Kola-Bo ‘’Not much is known about me here because I’ve been in America ovr the years going to school and pursuing my musical career there. I have a very strong fan base in Texas and New York. But I decided to come home because this is where...